Server Side Includes
Discover more about SSI (Server Side Includes) - what exactly it is and how you will be able to use it to enhance your site's functionality.
Server Side Includes (SSI) is a common server-side scripting language, employed to incorporate the content of one file within a second file. It is utilized mainly with online content and it will make a static HTML website a lot more dynamic. If you need to have a daily quote displayed on a few webpages of your site, for example, you can make a text file and replace the quote inside it every single day. All of the webpages where this file is incorporated will show the modified quote, so you'll not have to edit them manually every time. SSI can also be used to contain the output of simple functions instead of a static file - for instance, the visitor's IP address, a hit counter or maybe the current date and time. This way, you can make your website look much more professional and more appealing to the visitors. Web pages that employ SSI use a .shtml extension.
Server Side Includes in Hosting
It will be possible to use Server Side Includes with all of the
hosting packages we offer you and enable it individually for every single domain name or subdomain in your own hosting account. This can be achieved by using an .htaccess file, which should be placed into the folder in which you want to use SSI and you have to enter a couple of lines of code in that file. You will find the code in our Knowledgebase area, so you can just copy and paste it, as you don't need any programming expertise to take advantage of all of the capabilities that our services come with. If you have currently built your website and you want to employ Server Side Includes afterwards, you need to make sure that you rename the files from .html to .shtml and fix the links on the site, otherwise SSI won't work.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Server Side Includes can be enabled without any difficulty with every
semi-dedicated server plan that our company offers and the full process is going to take you less than a minute and simply several clicks. You can enable SSI by setting up a blank .htaccess file in a domain or subdomain main folder with the File Manager tool in your Hosting Control Panel or an FTP program of your choosing, then typing in a couple of lines of code, that you will be capable to get out of the SSI article in our comprehensive Knowledgebase. The one thing left following that is to double-check if all web pages that will implement Server Side Includes are renamed from .html to .shtml and to edit the links to different pages on your site, as a way to reflect the modifications in the file extensions.