Perl is a popular scripting language which is designed to build different web-oriented apps, which includes CGI scripts. One of the attributes that differentiate it from other languages is the employment of modules - parts of Perl program code which perform predefined jobs and they are commonly accepted. Basically, instead of writing custom code to perform something or pasting tens and hundreds of lines of code inside your script, you will be able to "call" a module which is already available for this particular job and use only several lines of program code. In consequence, your script will be executed much more quickly as it is much smaller. Employing modules will also make a script simpler to edit due to the fact that you will have to browse through much less program code. In case you intend to use Perl on your site, you should ensure that the needed modules can be found on the server.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Hosting
All of our Linux hosting packages include over 3400 Perl modules which you'll be able to take advantage of as a part of your CGI scripts or web-based applications. They include both widespread and less popular ones, to supply you with different options in terms of what features you can add to your sites. A couple of examples are Apache::SOAP, CGI::Session, GD, Image::Magick, URI, LWP and many, many more. The full list accessible in the Server Information area of our custom-built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, which is provided with all the shared accounts. In the same location, you will find the Perl version which we have and the path to the modules that you'll have to use in your scripts so as to call a given module from our library.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With more than 3400 Perl modules pre-installed on our cloud web hosting platform, you are able to run any kind of script app developed in this programming language without any problems whatever the semi-dedicated server plan that you select. The abovementioned is valid for both pre-made applications which you get online and for custom-made ones that you develop. We supply such a large number of modules for a couple of reasons - first of all, to provide you with a selection in respect to what kind of features you can add to your applications and websites and secondly, to ensure that if you wish to employ a ready script, it will run appropriately regardless of what modules it will need. Because of this, some of the modules in our library are very popular whereas others are employed very rarely. You will see a list of all the modules in your hosting Control Panel together with the access path that your scripts need so as to use these modules.