Using emails with your very own domain name is much more convenient and also it will give you more trustworthiness as a firm if you keep in touch with partners. Such an email address also looks far better when a visitor on your site contacts you by using a reviews form and you'd like to reply. How simple it is to take care of your email communication can often be as vital as the quality of the service, since some web hosting Control Panels make it quite challenging and time-consuming to do uncomplicated duties for example enabling anti-spam protection or forwarding your e-mails. For this reason, you should employ an e-mail service that will permit you to access everything without delay and which will make the handling of your emails fast and easy.
Antivirus Protection Shared Hosting
The email service, that is a part of our hosting plans, is handled through a feature-rich Email Manager instrument where you can access practically everything you'll need in regard to your e-mail accounts. The instrument is part of our custom Hepsia Control Panel and we have developed it with the idea to supply as many features as possible with an intuitive interface. You are able to see all of the mailboxes that you've created in alphabetical order and with a glance you can see if they are forwarded, whether they are catch-up or if they have active anti-spam protection. Setting up any of these features takes only several clicks. By right-clicking on each mailbox, you are able to access context menus with more advanced features such as SPF protection. Our Email Manager will also allow you to access the webmail or download auto-configuration files for widely used mail programs like Microsoft Outlook and / or Apple Mail.
Antivirus Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, you'll be able to access any function related to your e-mails with only a few mouse-clicks. The Hepsia Control Panel, that comes with all our web hosting accounts, will enable you to benefit from our feature-rich Email Manager tool where you'll be able to see and maintain all of your mailboxes - access the webmail, download auto-configuration files for Apple Mail or Outlook, create a catch-all mailbox or activate anti-spam protection. For more experienced users, there are features like SPF protection along with e-mail lists, which are a click away as well. With right-click pop-up menus and quick access links, you'll get complete control of all sorts of things in a single place and with a truly intuitive interface. The abovementioned will save you a lot of time and it'll make the administration of your email addresses simple and easy.